How to access Neo4j AMI?

Accessing Neo4j

URL: http://instance-public-ipv4:7474

Username: neo4j
Password: instance-id
Note: Wait for 10 mins after 2/2 status check is complete

Instance Login


sudo chmod 400 yourpemkeyname.pem
ssh -i yourpemkeyname.pem ubuntu@yourinstanceip

How to access Neo4j Container?

Accessing Neo4j Container

Command: docker run –d –p 7474:7474 –p 1337:1337 –p 7687:7687 –p 7473:7473 <AWS Conatiner Image>

Instance Login

sudo chmod 400 "yourpemkeyname.pem"
ssh -i "yourpemkeyname.pem"ubuntu@yourinstanceip

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